Banking level of collateral

Forest Views II

The main intention of the partner is to build a residential complex with commercial premises in Babice near Řehenice. The partner will use the selected funds to refinance the existing loan for the land and for preparatory works leading to obtaining the necessary permits to start the construction. The partner has already invested CZK 2.2 million in the project from its own resources.

Basic yield
% p.a.
Total amount
mil. CZK
Collateral value
mil. CZK

About the project


The main intention of the partner is to build a residential complex with commercial premises in Babice near Řehenice. The partner will use the selected funds to refinance the existing loan for the land and for preparatory works leading to obtaining the necessary permits to start the construction. The partner has already invested CZK 2.2 million in the project from its own resources.

  • Address of the property: Babice, obec Řehenice, LV 896
  • Locality: Řehenice, Benešov district
  • Partner: Forest Views II, s.r.o.
  • Holding: Getberg Real Estate Group
  • Financing: from the sale of the property securing the loan or by refinancing from a bank loan
  • LTV: 80%
  • Collateral: the loan of CZK 11,500,000 is secured by real estate worth CZK 14,300,000 (as estimated by Investown's risk team)
  • Other security: pledge of the business share of Forest Views II s.r.o., personal guarantee
  • Size: 5315 m2 plot
  • Link to the holding's website:
  • Link to Forest Views projects website

Project detail

Forest Views II purchased the site with the intention of building a commercial and residential development adjacent to the residential development of Forest Views I (117 residential units), Forest Views III and Forest Views IV.

After successful financing, the Forest Views II project envisages the construction of 47 residential units with a sales floor area of 2,565 m2, 55 underground parking spaces and 554 m2 of commercial space, which will include a café and a grocery store.

The Forest Views II project is currently in negotiations with the municipality to amend the zoning plan to allow the project to include a commercial component (i.e. commercial space). The municipality is in favour of such a solution.

This loan is secured by a shareholding in Forest Views II and a personal guarantee.

Project financing

Once the project has been successfully financed, the partner has 30 months to complete the planned steps in order to repay the project principal, which will be paid from the sale of the property securing the loan or by refinancing from a bank loan.

Why did we choose this project?

The Investown team recommends. "Because we at Investown care about the safety of our investors' finances, we select only the best projects and subject them to a detailed risk analysis. What attracted us to this project was the holding company's focus on green solutions and the use of state-of-the-art technology."


Prior to the posting on the platform, the interest rate was increased from 8.5% to 9.5% in favour of investors. We had to adjust this information in the KIID as well and hence we are presenting the old and updated KIID.


Forest Views II s.r.o.

099 74 393

Address: Smrčkova 2485/4, Libeň, 180 00 Prague

registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, under the file number C 345667/MSPH

More information about the partner: The partner belongs to the Getberg Real Estate Group, a Czech real estate developer focused on residential projects in the immediate vicinity of Prague in popular locations with full civic amenities and good connections to the metropolis. Ecological solutions and state-of-the-art technologies are used in the construction process. It focuses on larger urban units, which also allows to improve the surroundings of the project, thus increasing the quality of living.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do I get paid my profit?

You will be paid the first profit one month after the amount you have collected has been sent to the project partner, and every month thereafter for the duration of the investment, always on the same day.

Is the interest rate fixed?

Yes, the interest rate is fixed, i.e. unchanging. We believe that the stability of the portfolio will bring more certainty to investors.

Is the investment secured by real estate?

Yes, the investment is secured by the property on which the lien is attached. Should any problem arise, the mortgage on the property will be used, the property will be sold and our investors will be paid.

What are the possible risks?

It may happen that your partner stops repaying his/her loan. At this point, we initiate recovery proceedings and demand payment of all debts. In the worst case scenario, the property on which the lien is placed may be sold and we will pay our investors a pro rata share based on how much they have invested.

What happens after I invest?

Your investment contributes to the amount you want. Once the amount is collected and the cooling-off period has elapsed, we sign the pledge agreements and send the amount to the partner, who then implements the project and makes monthly interest payments. Should the required amount not be collected, we return the full amount of your investment back to Investown's wallet.

What happens to the amount collected?

Once the full amount required is collected and the cooling-off period has expired, we sign the pledge agreements and send the amount to the partner, who then implements the project and makes monthly interest payments.

What if I want to end the investment before the full length of the investment has expired?

In case you need to end your investment early, you can offer it to other users on the Marketplace. Any verified user can buy it from you.

What happens after the investment period?

At the end of the investment period, all the money you invested will be returned to your Investown wallet, where you can either withdraw it to your bank account or reinvest it in a new project.
